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Aquarius Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (2)

Aries Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (5)

Cancer Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (3)

Capricornus Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (2)

Gemini Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (3)

Leo Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (5)

Libra Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (2)

Pisces Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (5)

Sagittarius Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (8)

Scorpius Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (5)

Taurus Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (4)

Virgo Zodiac Signs and Birthstone (3)

What is a birthstone?
Birthstone is a gemstone that indicates the time of birth of a person, which is usually accompanied by the zodiac sign. Birthday stones are often used as jewelry or as necklaces and pendants.

The stones of the month of birth are also mentioned in the Bible, which goes back to the Exodus journey in the Bible, and specifically to Aaron’s scepter. The bra was adorned with 12 precious stones, each representing the twelve tribes of Israel at the time. This special bra was decorated with the following jewelry: Emerald, sapphire, diamond, topaz, carbuncle, sardius, agate, ligur, amethyst, agate, jasper and braille.


“There were twelve stones, one stone for each of the letters of the children of Israel, with the name of one of the twelve tribes engraved on each like a seal.” (Exodus 28: 17-20)

How did these shield stones become the stones we all know today? In the first and fifth centuries AD, two scholars, Flavius ​​Josephus and St. Jerome, associated 12 breast jewels with 12 zodiac signs. Initially, it was assumed that each person had all 12 birthstones and wore each piece of jewelry during the month.

The modern change we know today took place in Poland in the 18th century, when Jewish jewelers marketed each gemstone based on a person’s month of birth. In 1912, the National Association of Jewelers strengthened this practice in the United States. Since then, the twelve birthstones have remained largely the same, despite several companies trying to combine gemstones to increase sales. Keep in mind that there are different types of birthstones, for example birthstones for zodiac symbols such as Gemini (born in June).

For each of the 12 months of the year, ornaments and jewelry are made of stone and the symbol of the month of birth. One of these ornaments, which is one of the most widely used and popular types of birthday ornaments, is the birthday stone pendant. In Leopard jewelry online store, you can view, buy and order these types of birthday stone pendants.
4,191 / 5,000 Translation results Are birthstones precious stones or minerals?
For a substance to be technically a mineral, it must meet these five conditions. This material must be natural (not man-made), inorganic, solid, with a defined chemical composition and regular internal structure.

Most of the birthstones mentioned above are precious stones that are technically classified as minerals. However, pearls are not classified as a mineral because they are not inorganic because they grow inside a mollusk. In addition, opal can be organic or mineral in some cases, so its organic version is not considered a mineral.

What is defined as a gemstone is a more general term used primarily by the jewelry industry to denote precious stones that are cut, polished, and used in jewelry. This stone can be composed of minerals such as diamonds or emeralds or other materials such as amber or pearls. Gemstones are often hard to find and their economic value largely depends on their rarity.

All kinds of birthday stone pendants, birthday necklaces, earrings, etc. are produced in many parts of the world and are very popular.

In the following, we will discuss the basics of astrology and astrology and the sign of each person’s month of birth.
Astrology, astronomy and birth sign
Astrology (or other common names for horoscopes include birth charts, astrology charts, astronomical charts, celestial charts, sky maps, star charts, cosmos, radical charts, roots, wheel charts, or simply charts) , Shows the moon, planets, astronomical aspects and sensitive angles at the time of an event, such as the moment a person is born. The word astrology is derived from the Greek words ōra and scopos meaning “time” and “observation” (horoskopos, pl. Horoskopoi or “hour marker”). It is used as a way to predict events related to the point in time of the show and forms the basis of astrological traditions.

In general, astrology often refers to an astronomer ‘s interpretation, which is usually based on the position of the sun and the planets of the solar system at birth, or on the calendar significance of an event, such as Chinese astrology. Many newspapers and magazines have astrological columns written in prose and may be written more to increase readership than to be tied directly to the sun or other aspects of the solar system, usually based on celestial influences on the planet’s birthplace location. And the sun.

In Hindu astrology, birth charts are called Kuṇḍali, which is very important and is based on the movement of the stars and the moon. Religious ceremonies and celebrations begin after a person examines the kundalini, including a marriage in which the birth chart of a girl and a boy match.

Astrology acts as a stylized map of the heavens at a specific place at a particular moment in time. The actual positions of the planets (including the sun and moon) are plotted along with well-calculated factors such as the lunar nodes of the zodiac signs, fixed stars. Angular relationships are usually determined between the planets themselves and other points. This means that although the stars are placed at birth, the person shows his / her characteristics and personality, including weakness. It is very similar to the Chinese zodiac.
The zodiac is a belt-shaped region of the sky that extends approximately 8 degrees north or south (measured in celestial latitude) of the zodiac, the apparent path of the sun across the celestial sphere throughout the year. The orbits of the moon and visible planets are in the zodiac belt.

Each birthday symbol brings with it mysteries. Here’s what you need to know about zodiac signs, including their strengths, weaknesses, and ways of thinking.

As a professional astronomer, people ask us a variety of questions. One of the most common curiosities is “What are the best zodiac signs?” And “What are the worst signs of the zodiac?” While I appreciate all and all astrology queries, let me be very clear: In astrology, there are no winners or losers. In fact, when you enter the metaphysical realm (the world of stars, tarot cards, tea leaves, etc.), forget the absolute good and bad state. In this magical and mystical realm, we work with subtle differences. Khayyam Neyshabouri is one of the greatest astronomers who has a beautiful and thought-provoking poem in this regard:
We play and the sky is open
From the truth, not from the permissible
We played a few in this field
results We went to the non-opening fund one by one
As we move on to astronomical concepts, we discover a rich and complex practice that provides insight into our own personality. Now, let’s look at each month’s unique personality traits, from honorable to…, somewhat terrifying? No problem – we all have problems! Remember, self-actualization begins with self-awareness, so read more in Leopard Magazine to get to know yourself better and unlock your own magical riches and talents.
Birthday stones
Birthstones are jewels that belong to a person’s month of birth. To begin with, here is a list of each birthstone by moon.

January birthstone: Garnet

February birthstone: Amethyst

March birthstone: Aquamarine

April birthstone: Diamonds

May birthstone: Emerald

June birthstone: Pearl or Alexandrite

July birthstone: Ruby

August birthstone: Peridot

September birthday stone: Sapphire

October birthstone: lapis

November birthstone: Tourmaline or opal

Azar birthday stone: Tanzanite, zircon or turquoise
Buy a birthday stone pendant
In Leopard jewelry online store, in addition to buying samples in our gallery, you can order your favorite birthday jewelry and jewelry. Your order will be reviewed by our experts and will be designed and produced for you as soon as possible. Dear sellers, you can also contact us to order the major production of all kinds of jewelry, including birthday stone pendants, birthday bracelets, birthday stone necklaces, earrings and many other jewelry.